Topic outline
Description and Objectives
NI4OS-Europe Open call for Proof of Concept support
The project has issued an open call for making use of the NI4OS-Europe generic, thematic and repository services by real user communities that can use these services to develop and execute Proof of Concept solutions.
Pan-European communities are invited to access and use project solutions in real-life settings. In this way NI4OS-Europe provides a framework for scientists to perform their scientific research and extract and publish fresh results based on the Open Science principles.
In addition to the access to services, the Open Call also provides high-quality support to the scientists.
All relevant information from the Proof of Concepts will be collected and made available for dissemination and exploitation of the scientific and technical results of the deployments. In this way NI4OS-Europe strives to fortify the imposing of Open Science principles on the final product.
The objective of this webinar is to help partners understand the NI4OS-Europe Open Calls better so that they can disseminate this knowledge in their respective countries and thus ensure that relevant stakeholders are aware of the Open Calls opportunities and that they understand application procedure.
- Objectives of the Open Call
- The Generic Services of the Open Call
- The thematic services of the Open Call - Life Sciences
- The thematic services of the Open Call - Climate
- The thematic services of the Open Call - Digital Cultural Heritage (1)
- The thematic services of the Open Call - Digital Cultural Heritage (2) CHERE
- The thematic services of the Open Call - Computational Physics
- Open science principles to comply with
- How to fill in the application form