Official EOSC training materials that help end-users learn how to use the EOSC Portal & Marketplace.

Title: EOSC Portal & Marketplace
URL to Resource:
Resource URL Type: URL
Description: Official EOSC training materials that help end-users learn how to use the EOSC Portal & Marketplace.
Access Rights: Open Access
Version Date(s): Saturday, 29 January 2022, 4:59 PM
Learning Resource Type: Other, Other
Learning Outcome(s): Official EOSC training materials that help end-users learn how to use the EOSC Portal & Marketplace.
Expertise Level: All
Format: url
Language: en
Geographical Availability: World
Scientific Domain: Generic
Scientific Subdomain: Generic
An introduction to FitSM Foundation principles in the form of a self-paced online course. Open for guest access only and with self-enrollment for progression tracking and self-assessment record keeping.
The purpose of the course is to make you familiar with:
- Basic IT service management concepts and terms, purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards;
- Process framework underlying FitSM;
- Requirements defined in FitSM-1;
and prepare for Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management according to FitSM.

Title: FitSM - Light approach to IT Service Management
URL to Resource:
Resource URL Type: URL
Description: An introduction to FitSM Foundation principles in the form of a self-paced online course. Open for guest access only and with self-enrollment for progression tracking and self-assessment record keeping.
Keywords: ITSM, online, project managers, self-paced course, FitSM, Foundation, service providers, certificates
Access Rights: Open Access
Version Date(s): Sunday, 15 March 2020, 4:15 PM
Target Group (Audience): Providers
Learning Resource Type: Other, assessment
Learning Outcome(s): The purpose of the course is to make you familiar with: Basic IT service management concepts and terms, purpose and structure of FitSM standards and their relationship to other standards; Process framework underlying FitSM; Requirements defined in FitSM-1; and prepare for Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management according to FitSM.
Expertise Level: Beginner
Format: scorm
Duration: 13000
Language: en
Geographical Availability: World
Scientific Domain: Generic
Scientific Subdomain: Generic
Essential information on EOSC and FAIR presented as promotion materials available in multiple languages.
Learning outcomes:
- Understand the FAIR principles;
- Understand the governance structure of the European Open Science Cloud;
- Be familiar with the main concepts related to EOSC;
- Be able to explain the benefits of EOSC.

Title: EOSC & FAIR
URL to Resource:
Resource URL Type: URL
Description: Essential information on EOSC and FAIR presented as promotion materials available in multiple languages.
Keywords: FAIR, EOSC, language, governance structure of EOSC, benefits, infrastructure
Access Rights: Open Access
Version Date(s): Saturday, 10 October 2020, 6:41 PM
Target Group (Audience): Researchers, Research communities, Research managers, Funders, Policy Makers
Learning Resource Type: Supporting document, Other
Learning Outcome(s): Understand the FAIR principles; Understand the governance structure of the European Open Science Cloud; Be familiar with the main concepts related to EOSC; Be able to explain the benefits of EOSC.
Expertise Level: Beginner
Format: text
Duration: 1500
Language: en, sq, hy, bs, bg, hr, el, hu, ka, mk, ro, sr, sl
Geographical Availability: World
Scientific Domain: Generic
Scientific Subdomain: Generic