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5. The LCT tool
LCT comes as a response to the increased demand for providing technical solutions to address legal aspects in FAIR and Open RDM (ORDM). It is, thus, intended to support researchers to publish in FAIR/open modes and data managers to compete against untidy, messy, and not well-defined data ensuring the maximal re-use of data. It is a certification tool for complementing the trustworthiness of resources contained in open platforms, such as repositories, and ensuring their FAIRness in a standardized and interoperable fashion, an objective that is present in NI4OS-Europe activities relevant to onboarding of repositories to EOSC. In conclusion, it is an open-source solution, which aims to be a valuable assistant to address data sharing and reuse challenges.
To have a hands-on experience with LCT, please follow the link: https://lct.ni4os.eu/.