Short quiz
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1. What is open science and what are its policies?
In general, Open Science strives to make research outcomes, such as online publications, online data and datasets, services such as web applications or online repositories open to other researchers and the general public.In order for Open Science to become a reality, certain policies and guidelines should be followed. First and foremost, any information that goes online (publications, data, repositories, services) must be Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR). Also, it is recommended that an Open Research Data Management plan is followed.Repositories should have a transparent policy, informing users about the roles, responsibilities, rights and procedures aimed at ensuring that their deposited data are preserved and disseminated in line with the FAIR principles.RePol is an online tool that uses a lightweight online form to guide you through the process of defining a repository policy. By choosing options in the form, you choose sets of predefined policy clauses formulated in line with the current best practice. The resulting policy document may be downloaded, additionally customized, and integrated into your repository.