The Open Science Training Initiative (OSTI) provides a series of lectures on topics in data management and open science, designed to sit over existing taught courses in any area of the sciences.

Creative Commons Licence
Title: Open Science Training
URL to Resource:
Resource URL Type: URL
Description: The Open Science Training Initiative (OSTI) provides a series of lectures on topics in data management and open science, designed to sit over existing taught courses in any area of the sciences.
Keywords: open science, self-paced, slide-decks
Access Rights: Open Access
Version Date(s): Thursday, 30 September 2021, 8:04 PM
Learning Resource Type: Other, Other
Learning Outcome(s): The Open Science Training Initiative (OSTI) provides a series of lectures on topics in data management and open science, designed to sit over existing taught courses in any area of the sciences.
Expertise Level: All
Format: application/pdf
Language: en
Geographical Availability: World
Scientific Domain: Generic
Scientific Subdomain: Generic