This course discusses how scientists have a moral and ethical responsibility to consider whether they should carry out an experiment. In this short course you will learn of the first clinical trials undertaken for scurvy and small pox and gain an understanding of how much more rigorous today’s clinical trials are. You will conduct your own online research into an unethical scientist and finally look at some current moral dilemmas in science.

Creative Commons Licence
This free course was written by Claire Kotecki and adapted by Nicolette Habgood.
Title: Ethics in Science
URL to Resource:
Resource URL Type: URL
Description: This course discusses how scientists have a moral and ethical responsibility to consider whether they should carry out an experiment. In this short course you will learn of the first clinical trials undertaken for scurvy and small pox and gain an understanding of how much more rigorous today’s clinical trials are. You will conduct your own online research into an unethical scientist and finally look at some current moral dilemmas in science. This free course was written by Claire Kotecki and adapted by Nicolette Habgood.
Keywords: ethics, self-paced
Access Rights: Open Access
Version Date(s): Thursday, 30 September 2021, 7:52 PM
Learning Resource Type: Other, Other
Learning Outcome(s): This course discusses how scientists have a moral and ethical responsibility to consider whether they should carry out an experiment. In this short course you will learn of the first clinical trials undertaken for scurvy and small pox and gain an understanding of how much more rigorous today’s clinical trials are. You will conduct your own online research into an unethical scientist and finally look at some current moral dilemmas in science. This free course was written by Claire Kotecki and adapted by Nicolette Habgood.
Expertise Level: All
Format: scorm
Language: en
Geographical Availability: World
Scientific Domain: Generic
Scientific Subdomain: Generic